Wednesday, February 21, 2007



i'm sure this is all your fault
then again
i'm pretty sure it's all mine

i thought we were coping
thought we
were doing just fine

i can't imagine what happened
how we
could have made things better

i can't dwell on the past
sure can't
predict the weather

i've been asking myself
will things
ever be the same?

i'm wondering can i trust
or will this hurt remain?

i'm sure this is all my fault
but then-
i'm sure that it's not

i'm stuck with uncertainty
and that's
all that i've got.


Patricia Marie said...

Oh Kris,
I feel your pain because I have so much of the same. I wish I had answers for you. I wish I could make it better.

Pam said...

These are such great poems and your pain is so apparent. I have no idea what it feels like to be you right now, but please know I'm hoping it gets better.